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Serkan Yıldırım: Distopy / Distopya
Serkan Yıldırım Distopy In my work, we see Robot Kassia, 810865, living in a dystopian future. Kassia hates her planet and society so much that she smashes her chest and grabs it to destroy her heart filled with hatred. Distopya Çalışmamda, distopik bir gelecekte yaşayan 810865 numaralı Robot Kassia’yı görüyoruz. Kassia, yaşadığı gezegenden ve toplumdan öylesine nefret eder ki, göğsünü parçalar ve nefretle dolan kalbini yok etmek üzere avucuna alır.
Zeynep Kübra Alkazak: Friendship / Dostluk
Zeynep Kübra Alkazak Friendship Give freely of friendship to a loving friend, but to an ungrateful one, friendship is vain. A little is the most, if the friend is grateful, but to the ungrateful the most is the least. If you want to love and to be loved completely, keep away from slanderers and the envious. A friend sharing his sufferings with his dearest friends finds relaxation from extreme distress. Take an understanding friend to your bosom as you would gold, but avoid the foolish one just as you would a serpent. One worthy of friendship when he meets a loving friend vigorously rejoices as if he found a large sum of money. Far more valuable than gold and a cluster of pearls are friends, above all those who are genuinely friends. The love of friends forms a protective fence. The company of friends when friends are in distress is sweeter than all the honey and choice food. A crisis will reveal a true friend; for he will not desert the one who is his friend. Regard as a friend one who loves without cunning, on the other hand, one who is cunning is not a friend but an enemy. Wealth without friends is a dark dwelling place in which there is no joy. Kassia (810-890) Source: Antonía Tripolitis (Ed.), Kassia - The Legend, the Woman, and Her Work, Garland Publishing 1992 In my project, the equivalent or representation of each element in Kassia's (810-890) 'Friendship' lines is illustrated. The friendship described in the poem is shown as good friends in the centre while supportive or malicious factors are positioned around it. Dostluk Ver cömertçe dostluğunu seven dosta Değerbilmezle yitirme zaman. Az, çoktur, değerbilir dost için Değerbilmeze ise, çok pek az görünür. İstiyorsan, sevmek ve sevilmek gerçekten Uzak dur kıskanç ve iftiracıdan. Daralmışsa ruhu eğer Rahatlar, candan dostuyla derdini paylaşan. Altın gibi değer ver seni anlayan dosta, Kaç akılsızdan yılandan kaçar gibi. Dostluk edilmeye değen biri, sevgi dolu bir dostla karşılaşınca, Sevinir hazine bulmuş gibi. Dostlar, özellikle gerçek dostlar, En değerli mücevherlerden daha değerlidir. Koruyucu bir çittir, sevgisi dostun. Sıkıntıdaki dostuna eşlik eden dostlar Daha çok tat verir en lezzetli yiyeceklerden. Belli eder zor zamanlar gerçek dostu, Onlardır çünkü bu anda yanında kalan. Dost bil, kandırmadan seveni, Kandıransa düşmandır, dost değil. Dostsuz zenginlik, karanlık evdir Yoktur karanlık evde keyif. Kassia (810-890) Kaynak: Antonía Tripolitis (Ed.), Kassia - The Legend, the Woman, and Her Work, Garland Publishing 1992. Projemde, Kassia’nın (810-890) “Dostluk” dizelerinde işlenmiş her bir unsurun muadili veya temsîli illustre edilmiştir. Şiirde anlatılan dostluk merkezde olacak şekilde, diğer destekleyici veya kötücül tüm etkenler, merkezden dışa doğru dost çiftin etrafında konumlandırılmıştır. Çeviri Eski Yunanca-İngilizce: Antonía Tripolitis İngilizce-Türkçe: Meral Akkent Türkçe çeviriler için Eski Yunanca danışmanı: Hans-Martin Dederding Türkçe son editör: Hatice Muallâ Görkey
Germany: Women's demonstration against abortion (photo: Abisag Tüllmann)
After an article in the German magazine 'Stern', in which women stated publicly: 'I had an abortion', protests against the abolition of abortion took place. Germany, 1971 (photo: Abisag Tüllmann)
Latin America: Fighting femicide
In 2020 a Woman got killed by her husband on day before Valentines Day. The information about it went viral. After that many cases of murdered women became more present in the Latin, but also global, press. The protest picture shows women painting their hands red to make so called feminicides more visible, to show that this is not a single act, but a structural and common problem in Latin America, and all over the world. Mexiko, 2020 (Isabel Kennen, Grace Valdevitt, 24.Feb. 2020, „Women protest for their lives: Fighting femicide in Latin America“ in „Atlantic Council- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion“)
South Africa: Am I next
Shown is the womens protest against gender-based and sexualized violence in Southafrica. Many acts of domestic violence are not visible although they happen daily to women as well as to their children. Sometimes they end deadly. “Am I next?” as a slogan is from all the women in fear and experiencing homebased violence of men. Southafrica, 2019 (Madeleine Hislop, 6. Sept. 2019„ #AmINext: Thousands line the streets to protest violence against women“ in „Womens Agenda“)
India: Women Protest
While #metoo protest became more visible in 2017, indian women also protested on the streets to show how bad the situation of women actually is in india. Many women and girls experience sexualized violence and get raped in their own houses from husbands, fathers and other male family members. This shown protest wants to put an eye on the daily violence women in india face. India, 2017 (Elizabeth Flock, 19.Okt. 2017 „Women in India are also saying #MeToo“ in „PBS NewsHour“)
Betül Elarslan: Excess / Aşırılık
Betül Elarslan Excess Excess is the mother of ignorance Kassia (810-890) Based on Kassia's line 'excess is the mother of ignorance', I painted the figure of a pig, which I used to represent ignorance, in an environment that reflects excess. Aşırılık Aşırılık cehaletin anasıdır Kassia (810-890) Kassia’nın “Aşırılık cehaletin anasıdır” dizesinden yola çıkarak, cehaleti temsilen kullandığım domuz figürünü, aşırılığı yansıtacak bir ortamda resmettim.
Great Britian: British women's rights activists (suffragettes) in London Photo: Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo)
Women's rights activists find a lot of support in Europe from the 20th century onwards and gradually gain the right to vote. Great Britian, 1910 (photo: Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo)
Iran: Protests after the death of Mahsa Amini
Since the islamic revolution 1979 Persian women are forced to follow specific dress codes in public, especially wearing hijab. When they do not follow the rules many women get caught up by they police. Recently a 22-year old woman not wearing hijab in public got caught by the police and shortly died after that. The now following protests want to make visible how violent women in Iran get treated if they are not following the rules and fighting for their own freedom. These protests ask worldwide for solidarity to achieve a basic change in the Iranian state regulation. Iran, 2022 ('Warum Frauen in Iran ihre Kopftücher verbrennen'; in: 'Spiegel', 20.09.2022)
İzel Zümrüt Durmaz: Anger / Öfke
İzel Zümrüt Durmaz Anger Solitude is better than bad company. Kassia (810-890) Byzantium was a patriarchal society, which restricted women's lives. In such a society Kassia was an activist. Like almost all Byzantine women, she was an iconophile. Icons were an asset that made up women's personal wealth. In my work, in which snake figures represent the oppressive society, there is a female figure, who is angry with the snakes and darkness that surround her, but who can reach a better life through her own power. Her anger is at the forefront, not her beauty. Öfke İyidir tek başına olmak, kötülerle beraber olmaktan. Kassia (810-890) Bizans kadınların yaşamını kısıtlayan ataerkil bir toplumdu. Bu toplumda Kassia bir aktivistti. Kassia, neredeyse tüm Bizanslı kadınlar gibi bir ikonofildir. İkonlar, kadınların kişisel servetini oluşturan bir mal varlığıydı. Çalışmamda baskıcı toplumu yılan figürleri temsil ediyor. Kassia, etrafını saran bu yılanlara ve karanlığa öfke duyuyor. Onu, kendi gücüyle aydınlığa kavuşabilen bir birey ve güzelliği değil ama öfkesi ön planda olan bir kadın olarak tasarladım.
Ayşenur Aydın: Going against the current / Akıntıya karşı
Ayşenur Aydın Going against the current Solitude is better than bad company. Kassia (810-890) Using different-coloured koi fish, which represent good and evil in many cultures, I worked on the theme of swimming against the current, facing evil all alone. - Akıntıya karşı İyidir tek başına olmak, kötülerle beraber olmaktan. Kassia (810-890) Birçok kültürde iyi ve kötüyü temsil eden farklı renkli koi balıklarını kullanarak akıntıya karşı yüzme, tek başına kötülere karşı gelme temasını işledim.
Hatice Zehra Selman: Stupidity / Akılsızlık
Hatice Zehra Selman Stupidity / Akılsızlık It is terrible for a stupid person to possess some knowledge; and if he has an opinion, it's even worse; but if a stupid man is young and in a position of power, alas and woe and what a disaster. Kassia (810-890) I showed the fool in a position of power using the figure of a king whose head has the shape of a balloon. Akılsızlık Korkunçtur akılsızın biraz bilgili olması, Daha da kötüdür olması bir konuda fikri, Eğer ki bu kişi hem genç hem de güçlü konumdaysa, Tam bir felakettir bu işte, vah ki vah... Kassia (810-890) Güçlü konumdaki akılsız kişiyi, kafasını balon şeklinde yaptığım kral figürüyle gösterdim.
İremnur Çelebi
İremnur Çelebi Wealth covers sin - the poor Are naked as a pin. Kassia (810-890) Saklıyor zenginlik günahları, Oysa ki her şeyi açıkta yoksulun. Kassia (810-890)
worldwide: #metoo
#metoo was and still is the most famous digital feminist protest. Many women shared their stories of sexuale abuse, rape, domestic violence, sexual violence, catcalling, etc. Women are invited to share their stories, adding the hashtag “metoo” to show solidarity with each other. Since it is a digital protest on social media platform it is to say, it is a very divers global form of protest. worldwide, 2017/18 (Melissa K. Wood, 11. Jan 2018, „Language in digital activism: Exploring the performative functions of #MeToo Tweets“ in „Diggit Magazine“)
Turkey: 18 women you should know (illustration: Zeynep Özatalay) Duygu Asena, Semiha Berksoy, Zabel Yesayan, Pınar Selek, Bülent Ersoy, Gültan Kışanak, Demet Demir, Nevin Yıldırım!5579096/
Turkey's history is full of women who have had a lasting impact on the country's politics, culture and society. However, as everywhere in patriarchal structures, they are often not seen or forgotten. Turkey („18 Frauen, die man kennen sollte“ ein Beitrag von taz-online)
Çiğdem Haliloğlu: The natural / Doğal olan
Çiğdem Haliloğlu The natural Anything forced deteriorates again quickly, but what comes naturally lasts. Kassia (810-890) In the centre is an artificial human figure that has become robotic and is doomed to disappear. The endless natural environment surrounds a deforming artificial figure. Doğal olan Çabuk bozulur zorla yaptırılan, Süreklidir doğal oluşan. Kassia (810-890) Merkezde robotikleşmiş ve kaybolmaya mahkum yapay bir insan figürü var. Sonsuz olan doğal ortam, bozulmakta olan yapay figürü sarmalamakta.
Pakistan: Women Protest
In this picture you can see Pakistani women demonstrating for their freedom from traditional values and norms. Many pakistani women, if they live in Pakistan or elsewhere in the world most of the times doesn't matter, get forced to marriage from their parents and families. This protest wants to make this fact visible and demand their independence. Pakistan, 2015 (Baron Riaz, 8. March 2015 „Bottom Line Feminism“ )
Turkey: Nuriye Ulviye Mevlan Civelek - pioneer of the women's movement in Turkey
Founder and owner of the first feminist Muslim women's magazine in the Ottoman Empire. The magazine was published from an all female team and all articles were written by women. Turkey
Switzerland: Women's strike 1991
Half a million women take part in the first women's strike in Switzerland. Switzerland, 1991 („Frauenstreik 1991: «Dieser Frauenstreik hat extrem viel bewirkt.»“ In
Işıl Başak Arabacı: Engery / Enerji
Işıl Başak Arabacı Energy One worthy of friendship when he meets a loving friend vigorously rejoices as if he found a large sum of money. Kassia (810-890) I illustrated the energy created at the moment when someone worthy of friendship meets a loving friend. Enerji Dostluk edilmeye değen biri, sevgi dolu bir dostla karşılaşınca, Sevinir hazine bulmuş gibi. Kassia (810-890) Dostluk edilmeye değer birinin, sevgi dolu bir dostla karşılaşma anını ve bu anda oluşan enerjiyi illustre ettim.
Great Britian: suffragettes
In Great Britain, Women were protesting in the beginning of 20th century for a right to vote and equality in the state system. Those so called suffragette-protests mostly were peaceful at first to show that violence is not to fight with violence. But soon enough they discovered that there was not much attention payed to their protests. Suffragette-protests are famous for this double edged perspectives and fights. London, 1908 („Sufragetten-Bewegung - Bürgerkrieg der Geschlechter“ in „Spiegel Geschichte“, 1. November 2016)
Hongkong: protest against gender discrimination
Shown is a womens protest against gender discrimination because of ideals of beauty in Hong Kong. Many women in Hong Kong experience different treatments at work, even payment gaps, not only because of their family planning, but because of their beauty and their looks. The women in this picture close an eye, thus to the invisibility of this fact. Hongkong, 2019 (Kelsey Solar, Olivia Enos, 22. August 2019 „Problematic Women: Eyeing Freedom in Hong Kong“ in „The Daily Signal“)
Switzerland: 'March to Bern'
5000 women take part in the 'March to Bern' in 1969. In doing so, they fight for the introduction of voting rights in Switzerland. Switzerland, 1969 („Trente glorieuses, aber nicht für die Frauen – Geschichte der Schweizer Frauenbewegung (Teil 2)“ aus einem Onlinebeitrag von „Der Funke“)
Selin Su Bağcı: Bell / Çıngırak
Selin Su Bağcı Bell There is absolutely no cure for stupidity nor help except for death. A stupid person when honored is arrogant towards everyone, and when praised becomes even more over-confident. Just as it is impossible to bend a great pillar, so it is to change a stupid person. Knowledge in a stupid person is further stupidity; knowledge in a stupid person is a bell on a pig's nose. Kassia (810-890) In my work, I was inspired by the lines dealing with “Stupidity”. I refer to these lines using hollow heads and columns as well as human figures rattling as bells on a pig's nose in the lower part of the drawing. Çıngırak Yoktur kesinlikle tedavisi akılsızlığın Biter ancak ölünce. Kibirlenir onurlandırılınca akılsız, Övüldüğünde ise artar daha da kendine güveni. İmkansızsa nasıl ki, bükmek büyük bir sütunu, Olanaksızdır değiştirmek de akılsızı. Daha da aptalcadır akılsızın bilgisi; Tıpkı domuzun burnuna takılmış bir çıngırak gibi. Kassia (810-890) Çalışmamda “Akılsızlık” dizelerinden esinlendim. İçi boş kafa, sütun ve çizimin alt bölümündeki domuzun burnunda çıngırak gibi sallanan insan figürleri gibi imajlarla, bu dizelere gönderme yaptım.
France: Feminism and beyond
In the 1968ies worldwide protest emerged for Women's Liberation. In the center of protest always has been the equality between productive and maintenance work, mostly done by women. The french protest was called MLF – Mouvement de Liberation des femmes and was causing many troubles for the french state. France, 1968 (Julius Gavroche, 6. April 2018 „Feminism and beyond in May 68“)
Hongkong: 'Breasts are not weapons'
In 2015 there have been huge protests in Hong Kong against the planned borders between Hong Kong and the mainland Chinese. In a protest a contact happened between a policemens arm and a breast of a Women from Hong Kong. She accused him for sexual insult, while he rejected everything and stated that she was sexually assaulting him. In the consequence she got arrested for over 3 months. The picture shows protests in Hong Kong against sexual violence, also state-based gender violence. Hongkong, 2015 (Wilfred Chan, 3.Aug. 2015 „Breasts are not weapons, say Hong Kong protesters“ in „CNN“)
Muaz Semih Güven: Shameless / Utanmaz
Muaz Semih Güven Shameless I hate the shameless individual in candid speech. Kassia (810-890) Utanmaz Açık saçık konuşan utanmazdan, nefret ediyorum. Kassia (810-890)
Yunus Margaz: Friends / Dostlar
Yunus Margaz Friends One worthy of friendship when he meets a loving friend vigorously rejoices as if he found a large sum of money. Far more valuable than gold and a cluster of pearls are friends, above all those who are genuinely friends. Kassia (810-890) Dostlar Dostluk edilmeye değer biri, sevgi dolu bir dostla karşılaşınca, Sevinir hazine bulmuş gibi. Dostlar, öncelikle gerçek dostlar, En değerli mücevherlerden daha değerlidir. Kassia (810-890)
Nisa Nur Arslan: The good & The evil / İyi & Kötü:
Nisa Nur Arslan The good & The evil Solitude is better than bad company. Kassia (810-890) The black eagles around the forbidden apples represent individuals who have chosen evil, and the white eagle in the foreground represents the act of choosing to be alone but good. The apple in my work symbolizes that evil can be a choice. İyi & Kötü İyidir tek başına olmak, kötülerle beraber olmaktan. Kassia (810-890) Yasak elmaların çevresindeki kara kartallar kötülüğü seçmiş bireyleri, ön planda olan beyaz kartal, yalnız ama iyi olmayı seçmeyi temsil etmektedir. Çalışmamdaki elma, kötülüğün bir seçim olacağını sembolize ediyor.
Afghanistan: Women protest against Taliban
During 2021 demonstrations in Afghanistan, women shout 'A cabinet without women will fail', criticising the Taliban's all-male interim government. Afghanistan, 2021 -Proteste gegen Taliban“ Online-Beitrag der tagesschau)
Kaan Tanhan. Kassia software / Kassia yazılımı
Kaan Tanhan Kassia software This project aims to create an image of Kassia (810-890) in an illustrative method with a software by interacting with music. Features such as rhythm and emphasis in music are determined by this software and shape the work in the illustrative method. The music to be used here will be composed by Kassia and performed by contemporary artists, either pre-recorded or live at the moment. The finalized version of the project can interact with the audience or be presented in a pre-programmed form. Kassia yazılımı Bu proje Kassia'ya (810-890) ait bir görüntünün, müzik ile etkileşime geçerek bir yazılım beraberinde illüstratif yaklaşımda oluşturulmasını amaçlamaktadır. Müzik içerisindeki ritim, vurgu gibi durumlar, bu öğretilmiş yazılımda tespit edilerek illüstratif yaklaşımdaki çalışmayı şekillendirmektedir. Burada kullanılacak müzik ise Kassia'nın bestelediği ve günümüz sanatçılarının önceden kaydedilmiş veya o an canlı olarak seslendirdikleri parçalar olacaktır. Projenin sonlandırılmış hali ise izleyici ile etkileşime geçebilir veya önceden programlanmış haliyle sunulabilecektir.
Germany: Five members of the Association for Women's Suffrage
On 19 January 1919, womencan vote for the first time in the election for the constituent German National Assembly. Germany, 1918 („100 JAHRE FRAUENWAHLRECHT. Geburtsstunde des Frauenwahlrechts in Deutschland am 12. November 1918“ Online-Beitrag auf
Switzerland: 28 years after the first women's strike in 1991
Following the motto: 'Equality. Point. Enough!', autonomous feminists and the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions call for a fight for equal wages and against sexual violence. Switzerland, 2019 („SCHWEIZER FRAUENSTREIK RELOADED“ in
Ömer Kaan İşleyen: Success and power / Başarı ve güç
Ömer Kaan İşleyen Success and power With my work, I point out Kassia's (810-890) value and contributions to literature and the concept of women. Thinking that we are in a period where the language of illustration is diversified, I designed a 3D context with Kassia in the center with a medallion with quotes from her lines on one side and an illustrated portrait of Kassia on the other. With the unnatural movements of the coin, I symbolized the greatness and power of Kassia's success. The wall outside the window symbolizes the social oppression of women during Kassia's lifetime, and the fact that only one of three candles is lit symbolizes the limited possibilities of women. Başarı ve güç Çalışmamla, Kassia’nın (810-890) edebiyat ve kadın kavramı için değerini ve katkılarına işaret ediyorum. İllüstrasyon dilinin çeşitlendiği bir dönemde olduğumuzu düşünerek, bir yüzünde Kassia’nın dizelerinden alıntı, diğer yüzünde de Kassia’nın illüstre portresi bulunan bir madalyonla, Kassia’nın merkezde olduğu bir 3D bağlamı tasarladım. Madalyonun doğal olmayan hareketleriyle, Kassia’nın başarısının büyüklüğünü ve gücünü sembolize ettim. Pencerenin dışındaki duvar, Kassia’nın yaşadığı dönemde kadınlara uygulanan toplumsal baskıyı ve üçlü olmasına rağmen, sadece biri yanan mum da kadınların sınırlı olanaklarını sembolize ediyor.
Turkey: 'We are justice. We will not be silenced.'
Turkey leaves the Istanbul Convention against Violence against Women. Turkey, 2021 („Sie sehen Frauen als zerstörbare Objekte an“ Online-Beitrag von Karen Krüger in der faz)
Beyza Keskin: Tranquillity / Huzur
Beyza Keskin Tranquillity I illustrated the moment, the place and the peace I felt while listening to Kassia's (810-890) hymn 'Petron ke Pavlon'. Huzur Kassia’nın (810-890) “Petron ke Pavlon” ilahisini dinlerken hissettigim anı, mekânı ve içimdeki huzuru illüstre ettim.
Germany: Demonstrations for the abolition of paragraph 218
From Kiel to Constance, people protest for the abolition of the abortion paragraph that prohibits abortions. Germany, 1992 („Deutsche Geschichte. Frauenbewegung“ Online-Beitrag von Planet Wissen)
Germany: Women demonstrating in front of Cologne Cathedral
Women take to the streets against male violence on Walpurgis Night. Germany („Deutsche Geschichte. Frauenbewegung“ Online-Beitrag von Planet Wissen)